
Commission Makeup

The Downtown SSMID Commission is composed of property owners, or their representatives appointed by the Mayor, to continue Downtown initiatives and remain visionaries in planning for the vitality of the downtown Cedar Rapids area. The Downtown SSMID Commission works closely with the Cedar Rapids Metro Economic Alliance to help carry out the commission’s strategic plan and meet its goals. The Cedar Rapids Mayor and Cedar Rapids City Manager sit on the Commission as ex-officio members. The last decade has been filled with successes. Read more about the district’s history, how it has built value, and learn about objectives for the next ten years by downloading the Downtown Annual Report.

Meet the Commission

Joe Ahmann headshot

Joe Ahmann

Ahmann Companies

Graig Cone

Graig Cone

Conveyor Engineering Co.

John Dusek Headshot

Jon Dusek

Armstrong Development

Jared Hanlin

Jared Hanlin

GreatAmerica Financial Services

Loren Hartelt with CRST

Loren Hartelt


Ted Kepros

Kepros Physical Therapy & Performance

James Klein headshot

James Klein


Cedar Rapids Bank & Trust

Sarah Madsen

United Fire Group

Randy Rings

TrueNorth Companies

Jake Ryan headshot

Jake Ryan

ImOn Communications

David Sorg headshot

David Sorg

OPN Architects

Craig Stephan headshot

Craig Stephan

Iowa Brewing Company

Fred Timko

Fred Timko


Danette Tobin

Dannette Tobin

Gray Media

Meeting Agendas

Meeting Minutes

Downtown Cedar Rapids Trolley Runs Friday & Saturday (December 6 - January 31st).
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